Marketing Manager & Training Coordinator

Barb is a New Englander at heart and an ex-New Yorker, having spent her college years in The Big Apple where she earned her Communications degree. However, she became a Midwesterner when her husband was transferred to Chicago and has been with Priority Energy since 2010. 

As the Marketing Manager, Barb translates the technical aspects of building science and Priority Energy's building performance services into relatable material for our clients; builders, building owners, HVAC contractors and home owners. She would like people to better understand the correlation between energy efficiency enhancements and healthier homes/buildings and shares information on Facebook , LinkedIn and Twitter. Follow us for news, tips and upcoming events.

Also the Training Coordinator for Priority Energy's Building Science division, Barb helps students through the BPI and RESNET certification process. New to the Green industry? The certification requirements can be a bit confusing, but Barb is here to provide support before, during and after the training classes. She works with our affiliate companies and individual students and has helped hundreds of candidates navigate the designation process. 

Barb has worked in New York, Toronto, Denver, Chicago and a few towns in between. Preferring tall trees over tall buildings,she spends much of her time outdoors with her kids and her dogs. Currently toiling over her 2nd home renovation, she moanfully calls her love of old houses a hobby and a nemesis. 
