LOMBARD Blower Door Test Results Average 3.8 ACH50 – exceeding Illinois requirements by nearly 25%!
The Lombard building department and area builders have been following the 2015 IECC code with Illinois amendments since January 2016. For the most part builders have had little issues meeting the required air tightness limit of 5 ACH50. For a full overview of the Illinois requirements, click here.
Priority Energy has been blower door testing homes and working with builders in Lombard for years. Many of the areas builders work with Priority Energy to help exceed the state wide energy code, not for bragging rights, but to help builders lower their call backs and warranty claims. Homes that come in below 3 ACH50 have far fewer problems then those that come in between 4-5 ACH50.
A few builders are going above and beyond, like United Home Builders, who achieved a 1.92 ACH50 through their work with Priority Energy! Quite an accomplishment, and far exceeding other builders in the area.