Air Leakage Tests and Blower Door Tests for New Construction
Since 2012, blower door air leakage tests have become mandatory, regardless of the path chosen for compliance.
IECC 2018 and IECC 2021 Leakage Requirements
See our chart for State of Illinois and National code compliance comparisons.
The blower door test consists of a large fan installed in the opening of an exterior door of the home. With all doors, windows and other openings tightly closed, the fan will pull air out of the home to cause a depressurized condition to a difference of 50 Pascals, or 0.2 IWC with respect to the outside. Once the home is in a depressurized state, which simulates a worst-case air leakage scenario, the tightness of the structure can be measured.
At this pressure, the home should not leak any more than:
- Climate Zone 4: 5 Air changes per hour (ACH) at 50PA, or 4ACH50 under Illinois Energy Conservation Code, and 3ACH50 under the national IECC code.
- Climate Zone 5: 5 Air changes per hour (ACH) at 50PA, or 4ACH50 under Illinois Energy Conservation Code, and 3ACH50 under the national IECC code.
When Should I Have a Blower Door Test?
A blower door test for IECC compliance should be performed when the house is completely finished. Be sure the locks are on the windows, the doors are on the fireplace and most contractors are finished going in and out. We like to tell our builders that when the cleaning crew is at the house, it’s the perfect time for a blower door test.
Priority Energy is an approved, third-party to provide blower door leakage tests nationally. Our testing crew is RESNET and/or BPI-certified and is recognized by the state of Illinois as a testing agency. Read about Air Leakage tests for existing homes and buildings.
Do you have duct work in an attic, crawl space, basement or garage? If you have a home with ductwork in unconditioned space will can also help with the required IECC duct test.
To schedule your Blower Door test, call 800-737-2299.
If you would like to see how we’ve helped builders pass blower door tests across the chicago land area – see our results page!