Energy Star Residential New Construction and the 45L Tax Credit
Single-family home builders and multi-family home builders can rely on Priority Energy to make the Energy Star construction and certification process as simple as possible. As an Energy Star Partner and HERS Rating and verification organization we have helped countless builders and developers throughout the Midwest construct energy efficient dwellings that meet the strict performance standards of the EPA’s residential new construction program.
Priority Energy’s experienced HERS Raters have years of experience and have certified single family and multi-family homes ranging from custom estates to affordable housing projects. We offer bundled service packages to save you money and provide assurance that all Energy Star certification and 45L tax credit requirements have been verified. Bundled packages include plan reviews, energy modeling, mechanical design and equipment selection, testing and verification documents.
Follow these links to view Energy Star’s complete program requirements:
Energy Star Single Family New Homes National Program requirements V3.1, V3.2 & V3.3
Energy Star Multi-Family New Construction Requirements and Verification
Priority Energy HERS Raters provide verification and certification for multi-family buildings wiching to attain Energy Star certification.
Energy Star Multi-Family New Homes Nation Program requirements
Energy Star Single Family New Construction Design Requirements
Energy Star compliance (currently Version 3.1, version 11) must be determined at the Design stage using Energy Modeling software. The certification process provides flexibility to select a custom combination of measures that are equivalent in performance to the minimum requirements of the ENERGY STAR Reference Design Home. Our software will determine the ENERGY STAR Energy Rating Index (ERI) Target, which is the highest ERI value that each rated home may achieve to earn ENERGY STAR. Additionally, certain mandatory requirements apply.
Note: Design requirements vary by Climate Zone (CZ). These requirements pertain to CZ 5 and the greater Chicagoland area.
- Builders are required to sign an ENERGY STAR Partnership Agreement and complete the online Version 3 Builder Orientation, which can be found at
- Building design must include fully aligned air barriers, reduced thermal bridging and air sealing that meets the Energy Star specifications. Specs can be found on the National Rater Field Checklist. (Priority Energy can provide this and review it with Builder.)
- Builders must have HVAC Design Reports to include Manual J/D/S. (Priority Energy can prepare the HVAC design reports.)
- Insulation must meet IECC 2012 levels (or state code requirement) and installation must meet RESNET’s defined Grade I. (Illinois is following the IECC 2021 code, which are stricter.)
- Windows: U-value .027 for CZ 5, no SHGC minimum.
- Heating Equipment:
- Gas-Fueled Furnaces must have AFUE 95% at minimum.
- Filtration with at least a MERV 6 filter and the filter access panel should be sealed by an HVAC contractor.
- Boilers or Heat Pumps must have a minimum CZ 5: 9.25 HSPF/15 SEER/12 EER, air-source w/electric or dual-fuel backup.
- Cooling Equipment: AC must have a minimum rating of SEER 13.
- Ventilation: A Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation system must be installed. Ventilation must meet the current ASHRAE standard required by applicable energy code.
- Local Exhaust: Kitchen exhaust must vent outdoors at ≤ 100 cfm., and Bath exhaust fans at ≤ 50 cfm.
- Blower Door/Infiltration Rates: 3 ACH50 in CZ 5.
- Ductwork: All ducts and air handlers should be modeled within conditioned space.
- Water Heater: Energy Factor (EF) for CZ 5 should be 40-gallon gas .61 EF or 50-gallon gas .59 EF (minimum requirement).
- Lighting and Appliances: Dwellings must use Energy Star appliances and high efficiency light bulbs (i.e., LEDs, CFLs).
Energy Star New Construction Verification Requirements
There are three on-site inspections the HERS Rater must performto complete the Energy Star certification process.
- Site Visit One – The Rough Inspection Before Insulation
- Verify that windows meet levels specified.
- Verify air barriers are fully aligned.
- Verify reduced thermal bridging.
- Verify air sealing meets Energy Star specifications.
- Site Visit Two – The Insulation Inspection Before Drywall
- Confirm Grade I insulation installation and check additional design-specified insulation levels.
- Verify that HVAC equipment and duct installation match design.
- Verify and measure whole house ventilation equipment.
- Verify duct quality installation and complete duct testing using one of the following two options: a.) Rough-in: The greater of ≤ 4 CFM25 per 100 sq. ft. of conditioned floor area (CFA), with air handler & all ducts installed. b.) Final: ≤ 8 CFM25 per 100 sq. ft. of CFA with the air handler & all ducts installed
- Site Visit Three – The Final inspection when the home is Finished
- Conduct a blower door or air tightness test on the dwelling.
- Conduct pressure balance testing in all bedrooms (achieve pressure differential ≤ 3 pascals).
- Complete the Single-Family New Construction (SFNC) or Multifamily New Construction (MFNC) Energy Star Checklists.
- Ensure the builder has met Energy Star’s National Water Mgmt. System Builder Requirements and complete the required checklist. (Priority Energy can help with design compliance).
Priority Energy is proud to provide rating services to certify new homes and apartments for the ENERGY STAR® label. The ENERGY STAR label on a home or apartment means that it has been designed and built to standards well above other homes in the market today. It means better quality, better comfort, and better durability. It also means that the home is a better value for today, and a better investment for tomorrow. The ENERGY STAR label gives homeowners and building owners the peace of mind that their home has undergone a better process for inspections, testing, and verification to ensure that it meets strict requirements set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Learn more about ENERGY STAR certified new homes and apartments at