Priority Energy News, Projects, and Articles Energy Star & Thermostat Settings – Our Concerns October 26, 2011 The Internet says Energy Star recommends new thermostat settings for homes. Whether or not this is “fake news”, we know from our experience as Building Science specialists, that these temperature adjustments could negatively impact indoor air quality, structural durability, health and comfort. Aeroseal Awarded 2011 Best New Home Product By This Old House Magazine October 26, 2011 New Duct Sealing Technology Wins In “Home Technology” Category For Publication’s Annual Review Of The Top 100 Best Products Of The Year Energy Star Says “Not True” September 29, 2011 National news outlets recently reported that the EPA’s Energy Star program recommended “new drastic temperature settings” for home thermostats. We searched the internet and could not find a credible source for this information and so turned to Energy Star directly, for more information. Just as we thought, Energy Star confirmed they DID NOT release a report with any such recommendations. Here is the Energy Star Department’s response to our inquiry: School Street Homes, Sarah Susanka and Priority Energy Present a New Model for Housing Success September 29, 2011 Not So Big®’ Showhouse will open for public tours on November 19, allowing the public to experience first-hand how SchoolStreet has cracked the code for housing success New Technology Offers U.S. Home Owners Easy Route To Significant Home Energy Savings July 6, 2011 East Syracuse, NY (PRWEB) July 06, 2011 A new solution for home owners looking to save energy and significantly reduce their utility bill is hitting the market for the first time in many areas throughout the United States. Developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with funding from the EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy among others, the new technology, called Aeroseal, provides an easy and effective way to seal leaky air ducts. Energy Audits Aren’t Just About Energy; Strange Smells, Dry Air, Uneven Temperatures…Homeowner Complaints and Diagnoses June 29, 2011 I remember when I first started Priority Energy; I was advised by nearly everyone I knew NOT to use the term Energy Audit, because using “audit” evoked nothing but bad … Read More WSJ Video Compiles Expert Recommendations for Ventilation and Filtration – See our Note June 29, 2011 Harvard and Virginia Tech experts share their research on ventilation and filtration in this Wall Street Journal video posted on Nov. 23, 2020. Graphs and other data support important indoor … Read More Chicago Energy Audit Training Company to Partner with Asian Human Service to Offer BPI Course to Eligible Residents through a Grant from DCEO’s Training for Tomorrow Initiative June 29, 2011 Beginning in July 2011, Priority Energy, the local leaders in energy efficiency services, will train eligible candidates to become BPI certified energy auditors. The program is designed to help unemployed or disadvantaged residents launch lucrative careers Priority Energy to Provide Innovative, Air Duct Sealing Technology to Create More Energy Efficient and Comfortable Home or Office June 24, 2011 Over 90% of new and existing homes and buildings have leaks in their air duct systems that are equal to having a door open. Priority Energy, a Chicago-based, energy efficiency company, will offer Aeroseal technology to repair leaks and improve comfort, air quality and energy efficiency. Previous 1…456