Priority Energy News, Projects, and Articles Join us at the Zero Energy Ready “Smart Home” by Lifestyle Homes in Lisle, IL July 18, 2016 Priority Energy is proud to be the verification company for this healthy and sustainably-built project. The Greenbuilt Home tour begins at 10:00 a.m. on July 23 & 24, 2016. Priority Energy Awarded BPI Quality Assurance Provider Role for City of Rockford Energy Audit and Retrofit Program June 30, 2016 Priority Energy, the Midwest’s leading energy audit company, has been awarded the role of quality assurance provider and rebate coordinator for the City of Rockford’s upcoming energy efficiency retrofit initiative. The nationally certified training provider, of both BPI and RESNET certifications, will oversee the energy audit and retrofit work for over 200 homes and provide contractor training, as needed. Priority Energy Helps Hephzibah House Save Money and Go GREEN with a Professional Home Energy Audit June 16, 2016 The Chicago-based leader in Energy Efficiency Services and Energy Audit Certification Training, recently performed an energy audit on Hephzibah House, the’ safe place’ for abused and homeless children in Oak Park. The home, which seemed so solid and sound, was experiencing extremely high utility bills. Builders – Get $2000 Tax Credit with Extended 45L Program June 15, 2016 On December 23, 2019 Congress extended the Section 45L Tax Credit for Energy Efficient New Homes and has made it retro-active. Builders of single family and multi-family energy efficient dwellings built between 2018-2020 are eligible to earn the $2000 tax break. Have a HERS Rating done to calculate the homes’ energy efficiency and get the necessary compliance documents.What are the energy efficiency requirements for 45L tax credit? Priority Energy Improves Living Conditions for First Responders in DuPage County April 6, 2016 A DuPage County Fire House Lieutenant recently called Priority Energy to solve an on-going humidity and comfort problem in their 20-year-old station building. The Lieutenant explained how he had hired multiple companies, from heating and cooling contractors to insulation installers, but none of them had been able to resolve their high indoor humidity problem. Priority Energy Provides Aeroseal Technology to Help Habitat for Humanity Complete Fifteenth Energy Star Rated House for Michigan Families in Need of Affordable Homes April 6, 2016 Priority Energy provides cutting edge Aeroseal technology to seal leaky air ducts in Habitat for Humanity house completing the fifteenth house to undergo a comprehensive home energy audit and energy efficiency improvements and receive Energy Star certification. Priority Energy’s Robert Schildgen will give Continuing Education session at NASCHI’s March meeting September 1, 2015 Join us at the ALA Conference on October 6, 2015! Robert Schildgen will give a presentation at 8:00 AM on “Selling Healthier Indoor Air Quality.” ALA Credits are given for attendance! Indoor Air Quality Assessments July 28, 2015 Priority Energy Adds Indoor Air Quality Assessments to their Line of Home Comfort and Energy Efficiency Services to Create Healthier Homes. EPA studies now confirm that poor indoor air quality is contributing to the rapid increase in upper respiratory illnesses. To address this, Priority Energy will add indoor air quality assessments to their line of energy efficiency and home comfort services. The HERS Rating April 20, 2015 A HERS-rated home has been inspected and tested throughout the construction process and given an energy efficiency performance score. Builders who utilize HERS Raters increase their credibility and have fewer warranty claims because high efficiency construction practices enhance ovrall durability. Home buyers look for HERS-rated homes because they provide better comfort, healthier indoor air quality, increased durability and a smaller environmental footprint than an average house. Priority Energy Announces a Special Event with Dr. Joe Lstiburek April 20, 2015 Priority Energy Announces a Special Event with Dr. Joseph Lstiburek; Known as “The Dean of North American Building Science” According to Wall Street Journal Previous 123456 Next