Passing the Illinois Energy Conservation Code Duct Leakage Requirement takes Preperation and Practice.
Priority Energy has been testing duct systems for leakage in the Chicagoland area since the practice was adopted with the state energy conservation code. Priority Energy has tested hundreds of homes across the Chicagoland area for code compliance, advanced certifications (Energy Star and LEED, and DOE Zero Energy) and energy efficiency rebate programs over the last decade.
Many builders are unsure or confused on what it will take to past the duct leakage test. For a complete look at the requirements of the IECC duct leakage requirements click here. The energy code requirements are very strict when it comes to duct leakage, and when systems are constructed of sheet metal ductwork (as the majority of cities and villages require) it is very difficult to seal these systems to pass. Priority Energy works with HVAC installers and builders across the state to help them pass their duct leakage tests. Priority Energy also offers Aeroseal to help ensure nearly zero duct leakage and passing results everytime!
See the results we’ve compiled below, and stay tuned as we add city by city details for duct leakage tests we’ve completed.