Leaky Ductwork could be Compromising your Investment
By analyzing duct leakage and duct sealing results from thousands of homes across the U.S., Aeroseal has compiled this helpful table to show HVAC efficiency rates and the cost of duct leakage for the average home.
Is Your Furnace and Central AC System Operating Efficiently?
Ductwork is the infrastructure of your home’s HVAC system. Cracks, open seams, and holes in this delivery system reduce the effectiveness of your heating and cooling equipment which means you are wasting energy and compromising your comfort. Your mechanical system cannot achieve its intended AFUE or SEER rate with a leaky air duct system.
To schedule a duct leakage assessment for your home, please call 312-767-9047.

Source: Comfort Institute. Based on Department of Energy Research and FL Energy Office Research Report: FSEC-CR-397-91 Degradation above is typical. Impact is up to 50% greater on AC performance if return air leakage is from a hot attic or attached garage. Impact is typically 50% to 100% greater on winter heating performance of a heat pump with electric resistance auxiliary heat. Energy savings calculations are estimates only. Results may vary. There are many factors including climate, home construction style, thermostat settings and others that can affect energy consumption.